Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Book, New Outlook

I recently began meeting weekly with a mentor of mine, to regularly discuss life, and the many things God was doing in our lives and hearts.  I was skeptic at first to the idea, as we had not spent time together prior to the start of these meetings.  She was referred to me by another mentor I have as someone who could help me through some things and someone who could be a great reference when it came time for me to join on to the staff at my church.  But after a couple meetings, I began to relax, and we picked our first book to read through and study together.  After perusing the local bookstore, and coming up with a long list of books to read as the months went on, we decided on a book by Charles F. Stanley, called How to Reach Your Full Potential for God.  So far, I have read through the first five chapters, and I can't seem to take down enough notes... my brain and my heart are just overflowing with motivation and excitement for the dreams God has placed in my heart. 

Because of the effect this book has had on me and my life in just a few short days, I have decided to share my notes with all of you.  I hope you will be just as blessed as I am.

Chapter 1 - Do You Want God's Best?

If you truly want to reach your full potential, you must have a clean heart, a clear mind, and a balanced schedule.

Truth #1
   God has a will, plan and purpose for your life individually and personally.

   He has a broad will and plan and purpose for all of mankind.

   He has specifically designed you and equipped you to fulfill a portion of that bigger plan.

   You are here to accomplish a job that God has assigned to you from eternity.

Truth #2
   Your Heavenly Father has already embedded into you all of the gifts, and talents you need to complete the work that He has assigned you.

   God has already embedded into you all of the raw material necessary for you to come into a relationship with Him and to develop the character of His Son.

   Your job is to discover the talents that God has placed in you, to develop them, and to begin to use them as the Lord brings opportunities for service or ministry.

Truth #3
   Nobody can be who you are.

   Nobody can replace you.

   Nobody else on the earth is capable of fulfilling the Father's plan for you.

   Nobody else can do the work He has gifted you to do, know the people He is leading you to know, or offer the praise and prayer that He is giving voice to.

  You must be and do what God made you to be and do.

Truth #4
   You must establish firm commitments in various areas of your life in order to pursue and begin to reach your God-given potential.

   The pursuit of your unique potential and purpose requires you to seek God's help in very specific areas of your life.

Thought Question - Do you want to reach your full potential?

These are my notes on the first chapter.  Now, as I read, there were a few things that I felt God laid on my heart for me personally.  Questions I need to answer, or things I need to work on. 

First, I needed to identify my gifts and talents - those things that I believe God has gifted me with that I will use for His kingdom.  These things are, but not limited to -
My musical ability and my passion for music and worship. 
My artistic and writing abilities.
My leadership skills.
My mothering spirit.
The dreams I have in this life, both for my own personal life, and for seeing His kingdom accomplished on earth all stem from these gifts.

Second was the idea of needing to establish firm commitments in my life, and to stick to them.  These commitments need to be Godly, and be areas God can strengthen me in, in order for me to grow closer to Him and see His work in my life.  A few commitments that I am choosing to make that greatly affect my life now are -
I have quit smoking.
I will not have sex again before I am married.
I will not live with a boyfriend again until after I am married.
I will not become drunk.
I will not find myself in debt again.
I will pursue God's lifestyle at all costs.

The chapter ends with the question, "Do you want to reach your full potential?"

My own answer is "yes."  But now my own question is, at what cost will I pursue my potential?


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