I went into labor at about 8:30 that morning, and was immediately having steady contractions about 5 minutes apart. My best friend, Julianne’s Godmother, Alison, picked me shortly thereafter on her way into work. We took care of a few things there, made a quick stop at Target so she could get a different sweater (the jacket she was wearing was too small), and then proceeded to check into the hospital at about 11:30. Apparently, I didn’t look like I was very much in labor, because it took about an hour before my nurse practitioner actually came to check my progress and see if I would be really admitted or sent home. Sure enough, I surprised everyone by being almost 7 centimeters dilated and about 85 percent effaced. At this point, they very quickly kicked into gear and got me to a labor room to proceed with the rest of everything.
Once I was in a room and settled, the rest of my labor crew showed up, which consisted of my high school friend Tara and good friend Liz. My parents were out of town for the day, but were planning on being back that evening. Thankfully, no one showed up that I didn’t want there, and it was a peaceful, drama-free event.
I had planned on a completely natural labor and delivery this go around, but due to severe lack of sleep over the previous 2 days (I had probably slept 5-6 hours of the last 50), I was overly exhausted, and didn’t want the whole rest of the day to be a miserable experience, so at about 2:30, I received an epidural. And again, this time around, it was a much less stressful experience, happened easily and painlessly, and without complications… until 45 minutes later it still hadn’t really kicked in except in my feet L But of course this was no surprise to me – I have always had an extremely high tolerance for anesthesia, and this was no exception. But, once it was doing its job, I was completely comfortable and ready for the day.
Soon after the epi, my NP came in to check me and, at 8 centimeters, offered to break my water, but since things were going smoothly, JR’s heart rate was normal, and I was comfortable, I just asked to let things happen at their own pace.
At about quarter to nine, I had my doctors switch shifts, and they all came in to say goodbye or introduce themselves, and give me one last check. At the exact moment that my NP went to attempt a check, my water decided it was going to EXPLODE… literally! She gave a little shriek and jumped away while everyone was laughing hysterically. My belly gave such a jerk I had thought JR had kicked or rolled over, but found out from all the laughing ladies around me that apparently I had nearly exploded all over everyone! I guess not being able to really move positions had caused it to remain dormant until someone was poking at it! Haha! As soon as that happened, they quickly brought in the new team of delivery nurses, and after about 3-4 pushes and 10ish minutes in live delivery, Julianne graced us with her presence and an immediate cry J My parents and my brother, by the way, did make it back just in time for delivery.
We spent two days in the hospital, receiving visits from friends, and spending lots of time cuddling and sleeping.
Since we’ve been home, we’ve done very well! We had a quick hiccup while JR dealt with jaundice, and lost quite a bit of weight because of it, but thankfully, we were able to get her weight up to a point where they did not require her to be hospitalized. We are now doing great, though, and she is a very wiggly, active little one, but does not give Mommy too many problems yet!
Sadly, her father is not in the picture, both by my decision, and his severe lack of taking responsibility. I am hoping though, that he will come around and be willing to see her on occasion, and that things will not have to end up in court.
Thank you to everyone for the support, love, gifts, prayers… they are all very much needed and appreciated. I feel much more settled, alive, and fulfilled these days, as God has blessed me with such peace and with such amazing friends and family.
JR and I love you all very much J
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